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Bundle Monster Amazon Kindle DX Ebook Synthetic Leather Opening Case Cover Jacket with Interior Compartments - Pink - Fits Kindle DX device ONLY (Released July 2010)
Designed to fit the Amazon Kindle DX eBook device. WILL NOT FIT: Kindle 2, Kindle 3 (aka Kindle Keyboard), Kindle 4 (Released September 28, 2011), Kindle Touch or Kindle Fire. ***Not sure if you have the Kindle DX? Please refer to the product description for more information.
Case is made out of high quality synthetic leather. This listing includes the synthetic leather case only.
Purposely designed for individuals who prefer a thinner and lighter design.
Device is securely fastened by 4 corner straps and is held close with an outside magnetic clasp
Expect to receive a Synthetic Leather Case, Color: PINK. NOTE: Due to differences between monitor displays, actual color may vary slightly from image.
Product Dimensions: 10.6 x 7.7 x 0.7 inches ; 8.6 ounces
Shipping Weight: 12 ounces
Product Description
Color: Pink
This synthetic leather case was designed to fit your Kindle DX 9.7' eBook reader. The exterior surface presents a leather-like textured finish. This cover features a thinner design, but still protects your Kindle DX from scratches and abrasions. Your device is securely fastened by 4 corner straps and is held close with an outside magnetic clasp. Inside the case includes compartments that you can use to hold various materials such as credit cards, id, and receipts. NOTE: Due to differences between monitor displays, actual color may vary slightly from image. This WILL NOT FIT: Kindle 2, Kindle 3 (aka Kindle Keyboard), Kindle 4 (Released September 28, 2011), Kindle Touch or Kindle Fire. **INFORMATION ABOUT COVER: Color: PINK, Weight: About 8.7 oz., Dimensions: 26.9cm x 19.5cm x 1.7cm (10.6' x 7.7' x .7'). ***INFORMATION ON THE KINDLE DX: Release Date: July 2010, Dimensions - 10.4' x 7.2' (length/width), 9.7' Black and White Screen, Built-In Keyboard.
[美國直購 ShopUSA] Bundle 皮套 Monster Amazon Kindle DX Ebook Synthetic Leather Opening Case Cover $1039 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
鉅亨網記者張欽發 台北
永慶房屋統計 2014 年全年到 2015 年上半年的全台「新屋開工戶數」顯示,如以其中 80% 推估會在明年交屋,永慶房產集團業務總經理葉凌棋估計 2017 年全台有 11.7 萬戶交屋潮湧現,將會增加市場賣壓,新屋降價求售的狀況恐持續。
也因此,葉凌棋在今天的明年房市交易趨勢報告中指出,雖然今年全台房市交易已呈現跌幅減緩的走勢,但 2017 年台灣房市「價緩跌、量持平或微升」的格局,房價向下修正 5-10%。
而依區域別來看,葉凌棋認為精華區、成熟地區房價已有明顯跌幅,預期 2017 年持續小幅修正,跌幅較小,約 5% 內。而蛋白區、蛋殼區或供給量大的重劃區,恐難擺脫多殺多陰影,恐再下修 5-10% 左右。賣方讓利成共識,願意「以價換量」,若價格再修正 5%,全台房市交易量有機會反彈回升,有助於較今年的 24 萬棟史上移轉的最低量向上。
葉凌棋並強調,預估 2017 年出現的全台 11.7 萬戶交屋數量中,其中新北市 2.7 萬戶最多,桃園 2 萬戶,台中也有約 1.6 萬戶左右;而以各都會區的買賣移轉棟數來換算,新北市、桃園市與台南市占比達 30% 以上,明年的大量交屋潮預計將有部分將轉為新供給,將會增加市場賣壓,新屋降價求售的狀況恐持續。
永慶房產集團統計明年胡高達 11.7 萬戶的大量交屋湖。(鉅亨網記者張欽發攝)同時,葉凌棋也點出另外兩大明年的房市趨勢包括,房屋稅、地價稅等持有稅朝自住輕稅方向調整,賦稅政策干擾漸減,有助於房市交易回歸供需基本面;而都市更新在以安全防災及擴大內需之前提之下更勢在必行,民眾支持新都更政策方向,雙北屋齡 30 年以上房屋優先受惠。
葉凌棋指出,政府積極推動都市更新,以增加容積獎勵誘因、擴大適用對象於公寓、透天、大樓與減稅三大方面加速都更,雙北屋齡 30 年以上房屋優先受惠。
同時,依據永慶房屋的最新調查結果,都更案的推動,在有機會一坪換一坪的誘因下,77% 民眾願意參與都更。
葉凌棋說,77% 民眾支持的意義在於一般都更案在獲 75% 住戶的同意後,才能答主管機關送件,這是個極重要的門檻。
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